all of it, all

Let me state what may be obvious: things have gotten busy. While I’m very pleased with how the class has been working, both practically and conceptually, it’s a lot of stuff. I mean, a lot. I had thought I would turn these eight weeks into a decent class syllabus for future job applications, but I’m starting to think there’s no way this could be done in one semester, especially if the class were only meeting a few hours a week… It can barely be done in eight weeks, every day. Technique, History, and Theory, all in one? I might need to reign it in.

Nevermind the general social obligations here (photoshoots, trades, gifts, pieces for the auction, a prize for the Prom…), there’s also been day trips to Boston and Charleston, and a little Symposium thing I’ve been organizing, which turns out to be more than a little work. Nevertheless, there’s plenty to say, but I’ll try to be brief as I catch up.

Resume here.


A Head of Venus, 2012. Gum Bichromate with watercolor and gouache. 15" x 12"

A Head of Venus, 2012. Gum Bichromate with watercolor and gouache. 15″ x 12″

There’s still space left in my Gum Bichromate workshop at this year’s f295 Symposium. From the class description:

Invented in the late-nineteenth century and renowned for its use by the 20th-Century Pictorialists, the Gum Bichromate process is capable of a wide range of effects, from subtle tonalities to broad painterly colors. Despite its simplicity, the blunt physicality of the process has known to cause quite a few frustrations, too. Through careful consideration of all the possibilities and pitfalls, this workshop is designed to show the full potential of the process while ensuring that the difficulties are kept to a minimum. In addition, we will be discussing ways to further enhance the Gum print through painting and drawing on the finished print. Students should come prepared with at least one negative for contact printing (8″x10″ or so is preferred), and any favorite art materials, such as paints, pencils, brushes, etc.

f295 is always a blast. See you in Pittsburgh…